Friday, July 10, 2009

GR11 - Day 12 - to Refugio de Respomuso

We had a nice late breakfast before leaving. We will be losing Manolo as he is taking a day of rest. I thought it would be a hard day because we had to climb 925 m. It turned out to be a marvellous walk on a super lovely trail. The ascent was so gradual that we didn't feel like we were putting out. We crossed waterfall after waterfall. I lost count after a while. The flowers along the way were different and beautiful. The last part of the trail was very rocky, but it was possible to choose flat rocks, so the achilles tendons didn't get strained. I must say that the sight of the Refugio de Respomuso was really welcomed as we could see the storm clouds forming. We had no sooner arrived than it started to rain. I hope this weather horseshoe keeps up! It's nice to arrive early for a change. The refugio is really beautiful and well-kept. We enjoyed a nice beer and lunch. They allow us to eat our own food in the dining room. Seeing as we arrived early, Peter wanted to go for a walk. the clouds were kind of threatening and I didn't want to go. He went all by his lonesome to investigate how to leave tomorrow. He followed the trail and it led to the lake! I guess they have had a lot of water this year and the trail is submerged. Of course he didn't know that and tried to figure out how to get across. The GPS had a totally different route. He came back puzzled. The dueno of the refugio explained to him how we get out tomorrow. Boy, I'm glad that happened before we left, all loaded with our packs.

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